Friday, July 31, 2009

Circle of Friends Award

Boy was I surprised this morning when I read Lori's comment. She said she left a little something for me on her blog. So, I hopped on over and to my surprise I found this badge "The Circle of Friends Award." Thank you so much Lori -- Hugs!
I will now pass this award along to five friends that have inspired me. Thank you all for your constant inspiration. You are all a group of very tallent ladies.
1. Jane
5. Terrie - You bring a whole new meaning to Iris Folding :)


  1. Thank you for the Award Margaret....
    Isn't it funny that you put me on your list because I think of you being an inspiration
    when I see your card or that I get one of yours...I'm so happy being one of your friend...
    Sincerely, terrie

  2. I am honored that you think of me in that creative light! Thank you so much. What is wonderful is great minds think alike and when I see and receive your beautiful creations, you inspire me! Thanks for sharing. Your Blog is absolutely wonderful.
    Best of all, thank you for being my friend now for over a year! Can you believe it?
    Big Hugs & Smiles!
